Charitable fund Life. Emblem of charitable fund
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About our Fund.

       The noncommercial organization offers Charitable fund "Life" registered 21.04.2004 under №10459018840060 per Vereshagino of the Perm area to you to take part in a series of the charitable programs directed on social protection of the population.
       Not the secret, that the majority of such programs is realized in large cities, the inhabitants of villages are deprived in the basic support, and between that in villages a catastrophic rule. Children in those families especially suffer, where one or both parents drink, and the drunkenness on a village is far from being a rarity, almost norm. In this connection disposal of a pernicious habit of the parents - real help to children.
       It is the basic task - to help children begin of the better parents.
       Besides the Fund together with trustee advice(council) founds the following programs:

  1. To help the parents abusing with alcohol, to get rid of dependence voluntary or under the decision of court.
  2. Maintenance by clothes, footwear, toys, additional feed of children, where in families the income on one member of family less than 500 roubles.
  3. Preventive children owing to a defective feed, maintenance by their vitamin preparations.
  4. Revealing children with diseases of life, representing threat, (narcotic dependence). Search of an opportunity of honey. The help in Russia and abroad.
  5. The material help to the old lonely people, lonely people, a physical condition or age serves an obstacle for an opportunity of additional earnings.
  6. Organization of workplaces for the people with the limited opportunities.
       The adherents ready to organize fund raising are necessary for realization of these programs to Fund to involve the potential sponsors. Now by Fund the database for granting the address help creates. The report on an expenditure of means will be published on the given site and in regional press on results of year.

The legal address:
617101, The Perm area, Vereshaginsky region, village Voznesenskoe,street. Lenina 13/1
NCCF "Life" Gorash Galine Vasilevne.
INN №5933260060, KPP №593301001,
The settlement account №40703810449100100085 in OSB №1623 West - Ural bank SB engsian Federation in city Vereshagino.
Ours e-mail:

Our programs:
Another's children do not happen (criminality whence undertakes?)
Virtual family (photo and data about children)
The old men our radicals (information)
The expedited message
Sale of funguses
Natural drugstore of Siberia
Non-polluting cosmetics
You want to be healthy?
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